SmartTrak® series


The SmartTrak® thermal mass flow meters and mass flow controllers are true multi-gas digital MFC designed to deliver smooth, stable, accurate, and repeatable gas mass flow control you can rely on, every time.


  • Gas Mass flow meter and controller based on capillary technology with up to 0.5% full scale accuracy
  • All wetted parts stainless steel, 0.8 Ra µm electro polished surfaces. Cleanroom assembly possible
  • Ranges from 0-10 mln/min to 0-500 ln/min
  • Every units has 10 pre-programmed gases, customer selectable
  • Choice of customer selectable engineering units, gases, outputs, range, etc.
  • Due to the advanced engineering, accuracy for every gas selected
  • Operating pressure standard 35 barg
  • Suitable for most corrosive and aggressive dry and clean gases
  • Optional local display and local setpoint/configuration
  • Most analogue and RS232 communication standard on each unit
  • Active temperature compensation for temperature independent operation
  • Strong direct driven valve
  • Optional Modbus communication
  • Modbus module with analogue input/outputs and I/O alarm contacts
  • Wide choice of elastomers and valve seal materials
  • Long term stability sensor
  • Free configuration software for MS Windows
  • Very low pressure differentials possible due to big valve
  • Every unit calibrated with Primary NIST traceable high accuracy reference standard

Tech Specs

Measuring ranges

Air/Full scale freely selectableSmartTrak® 100L (Low Flow): 0-10 mln/min to 0-50 ln/min
SmartTrak® 100M (Medium Flow): 0-20 to 0-200 ln/min
SmartTrak® 100H (High Flow): 0-100 to 0-500 ln/min
Flow ranges specified are for an equivalent flow of nitrogen at 1013.25 mbara
(760 mm Hg) and 0°C (32°F)
For other gases and reference conditions please contact the factory.


Instrument versions

The economic solution
Accuracy: ± 1.0% of full scale*
Turndown ratio: 1 : 50 (Controller), 1 : 100 (Meter)
With high accuracy

Accuracy: ± 0.5% of full scale*
Including 10 point certificate
Hi-performance is only possible for:
Flow range: up to 50 slpm or nlpm (valid from 10 to 100% of the calibrated range)
Gases: Air, Nitrogen, Helium or Argon
Other gases and flow: Contact the factory
Only valid for units up to an operating pressure of 10 barg and over the temperature range
10°C to 30°C in a horizontal position.
The accuracy is only guaranteed under calibrated conditions and is only valid for a period of 6 months after the date of calibration.
Valid for 10 to 100% of FS.

*An additional error of ±0.25% may apply for analogue signals


Performance Data

Media (real gas calibration)All gases and gas mixtures that are compatible with the selected material.
There might be limitations to some corrosive gases
Response time2 seconds (typical) to within ± 2% of final value (includes settling time),
faster or slower available upon request (controllers only)
Repeatability± 0.2% of full scale (according to SEMI standard E56-0309)
Longterm stabilityTypical < 2% of measured value / year
Power supplyMass Flow Meters:
15-24 VDC ±10%, (230 mA, regulated)
Mass Flow Controllers:
C100L: 24 VDC ±10% (500 mA, regulated)
C100M: 24 VDC ±10%, (800 mA, regulated)
C100H: 24 VDC ±10%, (1260 mA, regulated)
(ripple should not exceed 100 mV peak-to-peak)
Operation pressure0-35 barg (0 – 500 psig)
Temperature (environment/gas)0 – 50°C (32 – 122°F)
Pressure sensitivity<0.15% / bar (<0.01% / psi) FS (typical N2, horizontal mount)
Temperature sensitivity<0.05% FS measuring range type per 1°C (<0.025% per 1°F)
Warm-up time< 15 min for full accuracy



Meter all wetted metal parts316SS (1.4404)
Controller body/sensor materials316SS (1.4404)
Controllers valve post materialsC100L/C101: 316SS/410SS/430SS (1.4404/1.4006/1.4016)
C100M: 416SS/430SS (1.4005/1.4016)
C100H: 316SS/416SS/430SS (1.4404/1.4005/1.4016)
Electronic HousingPowder coated steel
SealsFKM (Viton®) Options: Neoprene
Valve sealsFKM (Viton®) Options: Neoprene, Kalrex®


Integration & Installation

Output signals analogLinear 4–20 mA or 0-20 mA, 500 ohms maximum loop resistance
and one of the following (user selectable):
Linear 0–5 VDC, 1000 ohms minimum load resistance
Linear 0-10 VDC, 1000 ohms minimum load resistance
Linear 1-5 VDC, 1000 ohms minimum load resistance
Setpoint signals analogAnalog (choice of one, user selectable):
Linear 4–20 mA, 0-20 mA. 0–5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, 1-5 VDC
Output signals digitalRS232 Optional: RS485; Modbus RTU (Slave)
Process connectionFittings included. Options: Swagelok® (Compression), VCR, VCO, NPT
Inlet sectionNone required
Electrical connectionD-15 High density plug (15 pins) female
Mounting orientationAll orientations are possible but must be defined at time of order



Burst pressure52 bar (240 psi)
Leak rateLeak rate
Ingress protection classIP20 
EMCEN 61326-1
ATEX CertificationNone
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